3.1.   PetEx shall provide access to an automated online Trading System for trading in specified commodities to its Members. A Member shall have a non-exclusive, limited purpose permission to use the Trading System as provided by PetEx subject to such terms and conditions as the Relevant Authority may specify from time to time, including payment of such charges as may be specified from time to time.


3.2.   Relevant Authority shall have right to modify, change or adopt a new Trading System as it may deem appropriate at its absolute discretion.


3.3.   Trading Member shall not have any title, rights or interest whatsoever with respect to the Trading System, its facilities, software and the information provided by/through the Trading System.


3.4.   Access to the Trading System may be withdrawn or restricted by the Relevant Authority at any time without assigning any reason and at its absolute discretion. The decision of the Relevant Authority in this regard shall be final and binding on the Trading Member.


3.5.   The Trading Member shall, at their own costs, install, use and maintain such equipment, hardware and software as specified by Relevant Authority from time to time for the purpose of accessing the Trading System.


3.6.   Relevant Authority shall have the right to inspect such equipment hardware and software at any time without giving any notice to the Trading Member.


3.7.   A Trading Member shall not, himself or permit any other person(s) to:


3.7.1. use the access provided by PetEx to its trading system for any purpose other than for the purpose specified and/or in a different manner as approved and specified by Relevant Authority;


3.7.2. copy, alter, modify or make available to any other person the PetEx trading system, the software or its access provided by PetEx or attempt directly or indirectly to de-compile, dissemble or reverse engineer the same;


3.7.3. deal or access the Trading System or related facilities through another Trading Member for proprietary trading or for trading on behalf of its Clients or on behalf of another Trading Member of PetEx, unless the prior permission of Relevant Authority in writing is obtained in this regard.